Small firms try something new for fun and profit – Taipei Times

Mary Hughes, the owner of Mary s Futons in San Rafael, California, stands in her futon shop last month. Hughes has been offering Lie-Down comedy shows at her store. The owner of a futon store outside San Francisco started running comedy

Strippers and bucks parties ruined my birthday cruise –
WHEN Cien Taylor booked a Sydney Harbour cruise for her 21st birthday party, she hoped to celebrate the milestone with good music, fine wine and great views. Instead, she says her guests had to share the boat with two wild bucks’ parties, complete

This weekend ‘biggest ever for internet retailers’ – Daily Telegraph
In a phenomenon dubbed “Windows shopping”, coined because of the popularity of Microsoft’s Windows computer application, shoppers are predicted to browse their local high street this weekend in search of Christmas presents, but then go home, log on

$5M Broadway musical postponed due to lack of funding – CBC News
The economic downturn continues to lash Broadway, with a new $5-million US musical postponed because of a lack of funding. Vanities , originally slated to open at the end of February, is a musical version of a big off-Broadway hit. ‘If you get the

Sombre wedding lingerie

While most women plan to go all raunchy on their wedding night, a few others like things soft, su btle and sombre. Your wedding lingerie speaks volumes about your general character. It is great to go all wild and raunchy… more Lingerie info

Baby doll lingerie is a type of lingerie which is a must-have for every girl, as it has all the qualities which a girl looks for when she goes lingerie shopping. One can find numerous styles in baby doll lingerie,… more Lingerie info

The Gift of edible red panties is the ultimate Bridal Shower clich . What better way is there is have your bride friend blush when she opens that package and sees a cherry flavored thong. But, then again, bridal lingerie doesn t… more Lingerie info

Satin is such a fabric, which not onl y feels soft and silky on your bare body, but is luxurious and sexy too! When used to create lingerie, satin is the most popular choice for everyone. Satin lingerie is extremely… more Lingerie info

Bridal lingerie is a type of lingerie specia lly and exclusively designed for wedding day use only. Bridal lingerie provides additional shaping and support to the wedding gown and this will enhance the beauty of the gown more. These sexy… more Lingerie info